
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hope is Good

At the very end of our long Thanksgiving weekend, we entered into a new realm of parenting.....supporting a teenager with a broken heart.

It was unexpected....and has made for several emotionally draining days.  Jay and I both hurt seeing him hurt so much.  We are grieving for his lost relationship right along side of him.  We are both trying to be available to comfort, to talk, to pray for wisdom so that we can offer some words of advice and encouragement.

It'!  This is just another instance where I wish that 'magic mommy kisses' could just take everything away!

Just when we thought life was zagged; and it isn't easy to adjust to sometimes.

As parents, we try to help our children make the best decisions they can.  Encouraging Andrew to go to the local university to save A LOT of money per year isn't working out for him.  He hates it and isn't finding a niche.  I feel awful...and now we are backpedaling and reapplying to schools for next year.

At the same time, Jon is applying to school and I'm afraid of making wrong decisions for him.  Big decisions=big worries.....and despite prayer, I'm not feeling very confident about any direction!  Like Jay texted me yesterday, sometimes we just feel rudderless.

Ultimately, Andrew and Jon have to make their own decisions.  Some won't work and some will need to be re-routed.  I just wish we could make it easier...and pain free for them!

I know and trust that God has a plan for them.  We just need to pray that He reveals the next step clearly for both of them....

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans for welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope.

Hope is good.......

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