
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tired and Blah

I almost never miss a Wednesday blog day.  But I did.  I just had nothing except 'tired and blah' and really didn't want to share that muck!

Tuesday night had provided less than adequate sleep.  Unfortunately, this lack of sleep seems to be a theme here lately.

On Wednesday morning, I had to be out of the house by 7:30 because Kate and Luke had physicals at 8.  The combo of being super tired and having to race to get out of the house and wrestle with 2 busy kids at the doctor's office left me feeling "done" by the time we arrived back home...and it was only 10am!

Thankfully, they are both doing great!  (Now if I can only manage to get them to be good sleepers...and get Luke to use the potty!)

Last night was, (surprise, surprise!), another less-than-stellar night.  Trying to manage that 'blah' feeling is not easy when the sleep deprivation train is parked at your station!

When I'm very tired, it makes everything seem darker.  It makes my day feel like I'm balancing on a hill covered in ice.  Every little struggle sends me sliding backwards and everything takes twice as much effort.

When I'm tired, it is 10x harder to stay positive and not get snappy with people around me!  I don't want to be negative and snappy.  So, I have to figure out how to escape this black cloud hanging over my head and making everything feel heavy.

It's just one of those 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming' types of days!

I read a quote today from St. Francis about Jesus' humility....I think it was a reminder that if God can do all that He does for me, then I can readjust my focus and keep my emotions from spiraling out of control.

God is bigger than my sleep deprivation, and my messy house, and my family's busy schedule, and my stress about losing weight, and my worries over a struggle that a couple close to us is going through, and, and, and....everything!  

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