
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ready, Set, Purge!

I have started the purge!  It is a very.slow.moving.process!  But it has begun!  Woo hoo!  I already feel lighter!

This purge of excess stuff will take baby steps.  If I can just stay focused on whatever I can get accomplished and be thankful for any spot that gets a thorough sorting through, then I will be able to remain peaceful and focused and not lose heart!

There are lots of nooks and crannies in this house to go through!

And it's not like the daily dishes and laundry will disappear!

Or that Kate and Luke won't need the majority of my attention!

Or that the older kids still need rides/have games or meets/or need help with something!

Or that everyone still expects dinner every night!

I will get through what I can....even if it's just a drawer....or a pile....or one small shelf!

Trying to create an atmosphere of peace in my home is important.  Working on the outward disorganization will free up essential energy to work on my own inward disorganization.  (That's a mighty big task in itself!)

I am not looking for perfection, but a little controlled chaos would be good!

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