
Friday, January 4, 2013


Five Minute Friday is back!  I'm joining on in.....5 minutes of (hopefully) uninterrupted writing on one particular word.  Today's word is......


When I think of the word opportunity, so many things pop into my head.  Opportunity is such a positive word.  It's like the root of a tree that grows into the seemingly endless large and small branches that lengthen and stretch their way upwards towards the sky.

Each day holds so many opportunities.  Some opportunities are more welcome than others.  I would much rather jump on the opportunity to go out to dinner on a date with my husband than the opportunity to nurture my kids through a stomach virus!  

I am grateful today for the opportunity to blog for these 5 minutes....uninterrupted so far!  I am grateful for the opportunity to make a Walmart stop and get most of the grocery shopping done with help from Mike.  I am grateful for the opportunity to snuggle my little ones and enjoy their (mostly) smiling faces.  

Some days the opportunities are bigger than just the cleaning, shopping, nursing, and playing.....but the little, everyday, ordinary things are really the biggest treasures!
Five Minute Friday

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