
Friday, January 25, 2013


It seems I'm sliding into a New Year train of thought rather slowly!

Must be the super cold weather we have been's freezing my brain!

A few days ago in my post What's my Focus?, I talked about the blog buzz of choosing a word that is a person's inspiration for the year.  I also talked about how I didn't feel like I had one.

I received a couple of comments that it sounds like my word is "focus"....and one comment that suggested the word "permission".  I've been tossing the word around in my head a lot.

Continuing to focus on what God's will is for me this year and trying to be aware of his inspiration and directions is definitely important to me.  Continuing to focus on Living in the Moment Through the Eyes of Faith is important to me, too.  Continuing to blog is a priority for me, too.  I have felt the draw to connect with more faith filled blogs and memes, so that will be something I will be working on this year.

I really wasn't looking for a word.  Focus sounded good but I still didn't feel inspired to participate in concentrating on a theme for the year.

Until yesterday...

I was praying and thinking about areas that I need to/(mostly) want to work on for this year, and a word popped into my head that also made a connection in my heart.


Enough is a word that seems to fit into all the different areas on my life that need attention.  It fits into all the sentences that I want to define myself with...

...I will be enough.
...I will have enough.
...What I do is enough.
...I will be given enough grace to tackle my issues with food.
...I will lose enough weight.
...I will give enough of myself to each of my children.
...What God provides for us financially will be enough.

I also had a Bible verse pop into my head:
"but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power[c] is made perfect in weakness.” So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."  2Corinthians12;9

Enough and sufficient can certainly be interchanged very easily.  I will definitely work on memorizing this verse as a theme for this year as well.  His grace is sufficient for me...His grace is enough for me.  His power can take all of my weaknesses to a whole new level!

Sounds good to me!

This will be a challenge since I know that whenever God gives me a focus it's not to work on something I'm already good at!  But, I also know that if I persevere, there will be grace and blessings in my life that are well worth the effort!

Now I just have to pray about what area to focus on first!

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