
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

On this beautiful family day, mixed with lots of emotions, sleep deprivation, and way too much sugar(!).....I wish you all a very Blessed Christmas!

Here are a few of our highlights.......

 A special  Rudolph:)
 A little boy with a favorite present!....of the moment, anyway.  He loved his new tool belt(from Grandma and Grandpa) and tool bench(from Grandma and Pa)!
 A tired Daddy with his beautiful baby girl:)
 Nap time!
 I'm not supposed to tell you that the teenagers are playing with Legos.....(hee hee)
Pretty girls making piggies in a blanket....
 Santa Peter
Playing Risk of Andrew's gifts.

My favorite moment....snuggling with Luke late this afternoon with a sleeping baby next to me reading Where the Wild Things Are (4x).  I'm so grateful for my family!

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